Jai Shukla

M.Sc. Chemistry

IIT Kharagpur


Product Designer

Problem Solver

Looking into the future

Tapping the problem

Building solutions

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Twitter Logo


Second Position, Siemens MakeItReal Hackathon

19th-20th December 2019

Siemens MakeItReal Hackathon was a 24 hours product development competition organized by Siemens and Hacker Earth. During the 24 hours, we developed our software and hardware setup for the product TaSafe: A foot wearable product, that can electrocute assailant and send an emergency alert to police and personal contacts.

Third Position, Rural Technology Hackathon

19th-22nd December 2018

Rural Technology Hacthon was a three-day hackathon where students from different colleges gathered at IIT Kharagpur to make their hardware model. Our team developed Peltier Chulha that later became Thermo-Electric Generator for Stoves and Chulha. Peltier Chulha is a product that can generate electricity from the waste heat of stoves and chulha (earthen stoves found in Indian Villages). As a finale, we generated around 6 Watts of power from our model and secured a third position in the competition.

First Position, Product Design Competition, INAE Youth Conclave

9th-10th August 2019

Presented a life saver bandage, Medicure, that when applied on wounds puts pressure on bruised area to prevent bleeding, stops the movement of fractured part and works as robust first aid in life threatening situations.

Participant, Clinton Global Initiative - University

19th - 21st October, 2018

Presented the project Evapo-Reefer, a truck concept based on evaporative cooling to prevent food wastage during transport.

Second Position, Prod-D, Prakriti

17th March 2018

Prakriti is an agricultural-based technology fest of IIT Kharagpur. We presented our product FireAxe, an attachable module to improve harvester to prevent stubble burning, and secured 2nd rank in Prod-D, a product design competition.

Participant, Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES)

3rd Febuary 2018

GES is a summit where people from different regions join IIT Kharagpur to present their idea to secure funding and promotion. In this summit, our team presented FireAxe: an attachable module for the harvester to prevent stubble burning

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design - code - fabricate

Packed with technology to deliver solutions

Unbounded by

  • Resource
  • Funds
  • Time

Deliver solution that fits your need










Tools inside the box !

web icon
Marketing - Data Analytics
Cad Icon
Autodesk Fusion 360
Blender 3D
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Biosensor Glyph Icon
internet of things icon
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Jan-2022 - Present

Doctoral Research - NanoBiosensor and BioDevices Lab, IIT Kharagpur

Under Prof. Gorachand Dutta, School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT Kharagpur

◦ Developed screen printed, sputtered, chemically etched 2D electrodes for electrochemical measurements

◦ Studying the interference effects of different biological component in real sample for robust sensors

◦ Development of electronic devices modification, printed circuit board design and development facility

Sep 2021 - Dec 2021

Research Assistant - Nanobiosensors and Biodevices Lab, IIT Kharagpur

Under Prof. Gorachand Dutta, School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT Kharagpur

◦ Developed nano-interface to enhance the electrochemical property of surface using polyaniline

◦ Contributed in development of screen printed electrode and portable potentiostat for biosensing

Jun 2021 - Aug 2021

Google Summer of Code - 3Dmol.js : Molecular Visualizer : OpenChemsitry

Under Prof. David Ryan Koes, University of Pittsburg, USA

◦ Developed an UI for 3Dmol.js enabling user from non-coding background to use the framework with ease

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Aug 2020 - March 2021

Masters Term Project - Under Prof. C. Retna Raj

Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur

◦ Worked on data analysis of materials to identify features that play a crucial role in water splitting

◦ Developed a good understanding of materials characterization and chemistry of water splitting

Apr 2020 - Aug 2021

Summer Internship

Under Dr. Gorachand Dutta, School of Medical Science and Technology (SMST), IIT Kharagpur

◦ Studied about diseases like malaria, dengue, and viral infection and their signature on the body

◦ Investigated biomimetic bilayer for application in a sensor for disease and toxin detection

Dec 2019 - March 2021

Thermo-Electric Harvester for Stoves and Chulha - ProDex, IIT Kharagpur

Second runner up of Rural Technology Hackathon, IIT Kharagpur, 2018

◦ Designed electronic system to charge battery using Peltier Plates to harvest 25 Watts of power while cooking

◦ Designed water cooling system for Peltier plates to optimize the consumption of water and maintain efficiency

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Jul 2018 - Mar 2019

TaSafe - ProDex, IIT Kharagpur

Foot wearable women safety device

◦ Did a case study on offense against women and developed a foot wearable product that can ensure their safety

◦ This product electrocutes the assailant and sends an alert message with the location of the woman

Jan 2019 - Jun 2019

Evapo-Reefer - ProDex, IIT Kharagpur

Evaporative Cooling in Truck

◦ Studied the problem of food wastage during transportation (18% of total wastage occur during transport)

◦ Conceptualized a novel environment-friendly truck for vegetables and fruits transportation to reduce this loss

Dec 2017

FireAxe: Prevention of Stubble Burning - ProDex, IIT Kharagpur

Mentor: Prof. Pranab Kumar Dan, Assoc. Prof., Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, IIT KGP

◦ Worked to solve the problem of burning tonnes of straw post-harvest, resulting in massive CO2 production

◦ Designed an addon for combine harvester mainly suited for Indian markets to eradicate resulting air pollution

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Laboratory Experience


Electrodeposition of metals from respective salt solution, Transducer Surface

modification, Electrochemical Characterisation, 2D electrode design and fabri-

cation using screen printing, etching or sputtering

Inorganic Chemistry

Made organometallic compound crystals and did their analysis using X-Ray


Biophysical Methods

DNA extraction from sample; Pigment extraction and analysis; Enzymatic assay

of protein; Isolation of protein; Electrophoresis; Study of enzyme kinetics; Ion ex-

change chromatography

Computational Chemistry

Developed molecular dynamics simulation code with python3.6 and using stan-

dard data processing libraries; Did molecule optimization and quantum mechan-

ical simulation in Gaussian

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Laboratory Experience

Analog Circuits

Learned about characterization of circuits; Developed class A and class B am-

plier Developed phase shift, Colpitt or Hartley Oscillator

Digital Circuit

Made Counters, Arithmetic, Code Converter circuits using gates and registers


Optmized 2D multilayered patterning using DLP Resin printer for fabrication of


Machine Knowledge

Sputtering, Probe Station, 3D Printing (SLA and FDM), Spin Coater, Syringe Pump, Laser Cutter and CNC

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Conference/Workshop Name

24th Mar, 2021

Nano - Next Generation of Sensors by Webinars@ Springer Nature

7th-11th Dec, 2020

International Winter School 2020 on Frontiers of Material Science, JNCASR

16th-18th Dec, 2020

Indian Symposium on Machine Learning (IndoML) hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN)

19th-20th Oct, 2018

Took Evapo-Reefer in Clinton Global Initiative Conference at the University of Chicago

5th Dec, 2017

Product Engineering and IP Commercialization by Mr. Kameshwar Eranki (CEO, Vajra Soft)

13 Nov, 2016

Product Engineering and Design Idea workshop and won 3rd prize in Design Idea Competition

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Position of Responsibility


Student Member - Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)

  • INAE functions as an apex body that promotes the practice of science and engineering to solve the problem of national importance. INAE Student Member can actively take part in forming of schemes and provide feedback

Jul 2016 - Aug 2019

ProDex - Product Designing Society, IIT Kharagpur

  • Governor: Set up a Product Design Lab, introduced advanced product design concepts and obtained grants for the society
  • Sub-Head: Mentored junior members in developing their skills in Basic Electronics, organized a work-shop on Autodesk Fusion 360 and Inkscape and taught web development technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Senior Member: Mentored freshers for Open IIT Product Design, IITKGP and specialized in CAD modeling
  • Associate Member: Participated in the Open IIT Product Design, to build the foundation of product design
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Fundamental Courses

  • MEMS and Biosensor
  • Biomaterials and Tissue Interaction
  • Biological and Chemical Sensors for Health monitoring and disease diagnosis
  • Computational Structural Biology
  • Structures and Function of Biomolecules
  • Introdution to Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy
  • Computational Chemistry
  • Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanostructured Materials
  • Principles and Techniques of Materials Characterization
  • Energy Materials
  • Solid State Chemistry
  • Numerical Solution of ordinary and partial differential equation
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  • Sensor actuation, design and interface
  • Analog Circuit Analysis and Design
  • Digital Circuit Analysis and Design
  • Network Theory
  • Audio System Engineering
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Additional Knowledge Courses

  • Molecular Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure
  • Molecular Thermodynamics and Kinetics
  • Light-Induced Phenomena in Materials
  • Strategies and methods in organic synthesis
  • Instructional System Design
  • Programming and Data Structures
  • Product Development